XV Word Congress on Medical Acupuncture, Athens 2012
The impact of acupuncture in Infertility and in the In Vitro Fertilization programs
Acupuncture and Infertility
Workshop coordinator: Karavis M., MD, FICAE
In the past few years we are dealing with an augmenting need to resolve infertility issues. The reasons are social, cultural and environmental. However, the developments regarding Molecular Biology, neurophysiology and endocrinology, as well as, the advances made on techniques that allow us to intervene on a cellular level, have provided solutions creating a new medical-biological application regarding In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Even though these programs are constantly ameliorating and new research is under way, there is anxiety/are worries regarding the side-effects of the drugs used and the levels of success of a fertility circle.
The questions are thus: In such an environment is there room for acupuncture? Can acupuncture ameliorate the results of the success of such programs?
In this workshop we will deal with four topics and we will try to answer the following questions:
1. The surveys of the principal published works on acupuncture and infertility. The results of practice in IVF programs. (Chairetakis N.)
2. The physiology of the neuro-hormonal axis Hypothalamus-pituitary-ovaries and the factors that influence its functions. Their role in Infertility. (Segredou M.)
3. Acupuncture protocols, electro-acupuncture and auricular acupuncture and Infertility. An approach on the different stages of IVF. (Fasakis G.)
4. The approach of Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis and treatment on female (and male) patients with Infertility. (Theodoratou K.)